\(n\) or \(N\)
number of observations
number of variables
index of the variables in \([1, \dots, D]\)
number of classes
index of the classes in \([1, \dots, K]\)
training set space
space of variables
random variable from \(\mathcal{X}\)
realization of \(\mathrm{X}\)
matrix of variables in \(\mathbb{R}^{n \times D}\)
column vector of the \(i^{th}\) observation
scalar of the \(i^{th}\) observation and the \(d^{th}\) variable of \(\mathbf{X}\)
space of response
random variable from \(\mathcal{Y}\)
realization of \(\mathrm{Y}\)
observed response vector in \(\mathbb{R}^n\)
scalar of the \(i^{th}\) observation of \(\mathbf{y}\)
linear predictor of \(i^{th}\) observation
\(f : X \rightarrow Y\)
some fixed but unknown function of \(\mathbf{X}\)
smooth monotonic function of \(x\)
\(\ell_1\) norm
\(\ell_2\) squared norm
number of knots of variable \(d\)
B-spline basis functions of \(x\)
polynomial order
B-spline basis function matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{n \times (k + m +1)}\)
natural spline basis functions of \(x\)
natural splines basis function matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\)
penalty matrix of natural splines in \(\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\)
training set to classify
number of levels in the hierarchical tree of \(\Omega\)
index of the levels of the hierarchy in \([1, \dots, S]\)
height of the \(s^{th}\) level of the hierarchy
group partition of all \(S\) levels of the hierarchy
number of groups at \(s^{th}\) level of the hierarchy
optimal number of groups
index of number of groups in \([1, \dots, G_s]\)
a partition of \(\Omega\) at the \(s^{th}\) level
\(g^{th}\) group of variables at the \(s^{th}\) level
weights attributed to group partition \(\mathcal{G}^s\)
matrix of supervariables at \(s^{th}\) level of the hierarchy
matrix of supervariables for partition \(\mathcal{G}^s\)
variables matrix of concatenated group partition
variables matrix of group partition \(\mathcal{G}^s\)
genomic view
matrix of genotype data
matrix of additively coded SNPs
metagenomic view
matrix of metagenomic data
group structure of metagenomic data
matrix of interaction terms between genome and metagenome data